[vc_row wrap_container=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1590759667237{background: #eef4f2 url(https://costerobrokers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Prospect_Full-logo_white-1.png) !important;background-position: center !important;background-repeat: no-repeat !important;background-size: cover !important;}”][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1598455522731{padding-top: 2vh !important;}”]Prospect is proud to announce the launch of PerCy, the first Personal Cyber insurance product available in the UK. PerCy will be able to provide your customers/employees/members and their families with peace of mind by reducing their exposure to a cyber-attack.
PerCy is designed to:
• Protect Personal devices
• Protect Personal identity information
• Protect Personal financial information and wealth
• Provide a FREE Personal Cyber Risk Assessment
PerCy Provides Cover against these threats:
Identity Theft – we cover professional and personal expenses and provide credit monitoring, in the event that personal information is stolen.
Data Recovery – we cover the costs to restore personal information or digital assets, In the event personal data, photos and other digital media is lost.
Mobile Banking Protection – we cover the value of funds lost via mobile devices, in the event that an unauthorised transaction is detected on a personal banking or mobile payment app following the theft of the mobile device.
Home Device Attack Protection – we cover the costs to repair or replace computer hardware including smart appliances, in the event a smart home falls victim to a cyber attack.
Network Extortion Protection – we cover expenses and ransom cost, in the event someone holds personal data for ransom.
If you’re interested in becoming a distribution partner, get in touch with our Cyber Broking Team:
• Jamie Webb, Manging Director
Email: jwebb@prospectbrokers.com
Direct: 020 8051 5150
• James Gadbury, Divisional Director
Email: jgadbury@prospectbrokers.com
Direct: 020 8051 5174
• James Forbes, Senior Broker
Email: jforbes@prospectbrokers.com
Direct: 020 8051 5165
• Harry Venables, Broker /Analyst
Email: hvenables@prospectbrokers.com
Direct: 020 8051 5161[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]